Tech and Open Source

Articles on a variety of older tech projects from UCSC.
By peterm, 15 September, 2010


I'm working with John Rocchio on the prototyping of a shopping cart to assist Dining Services. See the demo at,


The problem/opportunity can be defined as a process improvement. Dining Services has been using a PDF based form to allow students to order and take advantage of campus purchasing power. Essentially, an on-campus student may order a box of cereal and pick it up. A financial transaction takes place at the time of delivery. 

By peterm, 16 April, 2010


I've been collecting resources on my own over the past year or so as I've taken a deep dive into Drupal. I'm now in the process of training some of my staff and lead contacts in Drupal. In several cases, we'll need to buy some duplicate copies of books and thought this might be a nice place to provide a list and some of my thoughts on their usefulness in my work.

By peterm, 23 February, 2010


I worked with Chief Trapp and Emergency Planner Gaylord to finalize our requirements around managing the contact information for Emergency Operations Center (EOC) members. The EOC is a functional approach to managing operations associated with emergencies that range from large protests to earthquakes. I've previously written on the subject of EOC Contact Management.

By peterm, 15 February, 2010




We need a method to handle work intake using as much of the ITS project management methodology as possible. Basically, this involves getting the appropriate details and initial scoping information into a one page form. One of the benefits of following the methodology is that we can aggregate and start to look at priorities against capacity for our group.

By peterm, 9 February, 2010

I wanted to upgrade the aegir tools on the -dev and -prod sites. I ran into some problems running the upgrade steps; which are probably due to some mistake I had made in managing the changes made since the original install. During the upgrade process, I was getting a variety of database error messages. I'm assuming that part of the problem was that I had originally installed 0.2, then upgraded to 0.3 and somewhere along the line, upgraded drush. Another symptom I was seeing was that my crontab for aegir was gone, so I could not process tasks.

By peterm, 4 February, 2010


I came back to work on the TPP project over the past few days. A couple of problems needed resolving. First, I'd used the CCK float type instead of using Decimal type to hold salary data. While it worked for hourly and monthly salaries, annual salaries were longer than the column could allow. So, I started my test by deleting the 37 float fields and recreating them as decimal 10,2.

By peterm, 12 December, 2009


Updated – 02-17-2010

The new beta of Managing News has some changes to channel tagging. In order to summarize the most relevant data across a number of feeds, a "tag" can be applied that allows for grouping of like items based on the tag. For any particular incident, we'd be able to develop a set of keywords for searching out sources (Google, local news, Twitter, etc.) and tags for organizing content in near real-time.

Project Idea

By peterm, 3 December, 2009


I've been working with Open Atrium (OA) for the past several months. I'm interested in collecting reference links from others about how they are using OA so we can learn how to better use this amazing set of tools.

By peterm, 10 October, 2009


For the Title and Pay Plan application, I had been using the standard views filtering to display a paginated result set of several hundred rows formatted as a table. As you know, the standard Views UI form uses a text field to accept user input. The clients didn't want to have users type, but rather select from a drop down menu.