
In this section, are notes I’ve created documenting various Porsche upgrades and driving events I’ve participated in.
By peterm95018, 4 January, 2025

I spent a lot of time in the Fall months rewatching some old videos on YouTube about slalom improvements. Given the much longer runs at Crows Landing, I was thinking that this was an area I might be able to see some time improvements. That may not have panned out, but I think I got better at understanding car positioning for back siding; understanding the entry/exit points relative to the next course obstacle and getting back to full speed in the last two cones in a slalom.


By peterm95018, 14 December, 2024

January has been nice so far. We had some rain after the big December storms and I’ve been surfing a few times per week. I’ve also been working on night lapse star trails and trying to capture meteor showers when the sky is clear with my GoPro.

By peterm95018, 7 December, 2024

Thoughts from my notes over the 2024 season.

I'm still not smooth enough with some turns. Need to watch for multiple input changes during sweeping turns. Good place to try a cue word like smooth (breathe, eyes up, increase gas, smooth turn input).

I've plateaued a lot and need to force myself to get some help from other drivers. 

Overdriving; going too hard pushes me off the line and a few times into a spin out.

AM sessions are almost always faster than PM sessions. So, what we need to dig into is how to optimize for the entire day.


By peterm95018, 17 November, 2024

I bought a kit from Isudar for about $225 back in September for my PCM 3.1 unit. There are some YouTube videos that help with installation. It's a PITA but I finally got it going. Everything works to spec and its great to have a similar experience in both our cars.

Here are my notes from that job.

For Isudar CarPlay install we will need the following tools.


By peterm95018, 10 June, 2024

I was having some problems getting Track Addict working at past few events at Salinas airport. I’d configure the app for the day of the event. Then I’d get the starting and finish points via GPS.

I’d go check my video after a run to see where I was making errors and I’d only have recorded about 30 seconds of the run (approximately the first half). I finally figured out what was happening and the remedy.


By peterm95018, 15 April, 2024

It’s kinda like when I was in high school and playing water polo. You’d be looking over at the football players sweating away and wonder, why?

When I see the golfers in this shot, I wonder if they’d like to come for a ride. For me, it’s just more fun.


By peterm95018, 13 April, 2024

It almost felt like spring. We had some 80 degree days and we’re back to rain and high 40’s this afternoon.

I'm prepping the greenhouse for the season. We did well with overwintering a few hot peppers. Green onions and leeks are being harvested; tarragon, oregano, thyme are all putting out new growth. Fall saffron is dormant. Potatoes have just broken the ground.

Salinas Airport Spring Day


By peterm95018, 13 January, 2024

On my 2013 911.1, I have had a couple of opportunities to wonder why the car wasn't blowing any air. After reading this thread on Rennlist, I found an answer.

Both times this happened, the car had sat for a week or more. It turns out the fan can stick. An easy fix is to open the frunk, and remove the air filter box. When the box is open, you can see the fan. Give it a turn, put things back and start up the car. Should be working.


By peterm, 22 November, 2023

Back in June 2023, at LPR's Autocross #5 at Salinas Airport an interesting thing happened.

As I went into full brake at the finish of my first run, the drivers side headlight shot out of the car. I'm sure it gave the timing station quite a start as it bounced across the tarmac.
