Drupal 6

Drupal 6

By peterm, 14 December, 2023

Here is a short history of my involvement with campus maps. 

From 2001-2012, the online version of the campus map was a clickable web page that dropped the user into various grids or closeups of the map. Associated parking maps were hyperlinked to these detail pages. This was a project managed by my colleague Susan Willats. I had been involved in helping with providing a server, log management, etc. At some point I showed her what we could do with Drupal that would enhance this service used by visitors and the community at large.


By peterm, 14 December, 2023

Since the Events Manager site is no longer used, I went into the way back machine and found a history I had written. Even this history is only 2000-2008; the project was still being used up through 2018 when I retired.


Version 0.7.0


By peterm, 20 May, 2018


Here's what I'm testing on breadcrumbs for use with the campus template. 

I've been working with the custom_breadcrumb and menu_breadcrumb modules. I've also done some Views hacking to get a dynamic breadcrumb generated.

On the maps site, I've been using a view and some URL overriding to provide a breadcrumb for pages that land on node/nid/map_detail. These are pages that you'd get to by selecting a building or department. I'll probably scrap this at some point and just land on the nodes. 

By peterm, 13 September, 2013


I attended the Modern Mobile Conference down at UCLA 9/10 and 9/11. Here are some of the highlights I took away from the conference.

The content of the conference expanded this year and included presentations on javascript frameworks, responsive web design subjects including tables, images, event schedules and email. For each session, the speaker notes are available and often include additional resources worth reading. http://mmwcon.org/sessions 


By peterm, 19 June, 2013

I started with the TileMill support docs (Crash Course and Guides) to get my basic info and configurations. This is some of the best support documentation I've seen. Well written in a step-by-step approach. Admittedly, I need to re-read some sections until it sunk in, but after seeing some demo's by @springmeyer and @ian_villeda at SOTMUS, it started to become more clear.

By peterm, 18 June, 2013

After attending the State of the Map (SOTMUS) conference last week, I started working on a project I had been thinking about for some time. I'd been particularly interested in figuring out how to use TileMill to style or override data coming from OpenStreetMap. Beyond that, I've been trying to figure out how all the different components would fit together. I should note that I'm not a cartographer, I'm just into mapping and the technology.

The Setup

By peterm, 25 August, 2011

I was thinking about what I could might be able to offer as a talk at the upcoming BADCamp. It got me thinking about my current Drupal portfolio which currently includes:

By peterm, 17 August, 2011

I've been working with Fusion Charts and Drupal with varying levels of success on our campus sustainability site. Here's what we we're doing to make things. work.


By peterm, 2 June, 2011

Update - 06/09/2011 Today I made a change the events manager system that will now correctly capture and display First, Last, Unit, Phone, Affiliation information. If you have events that do not have complete information, you can click the Edit button in the Signup List to add information about individual signups.
