Docker Containers, MEANJS, AWS

By peterm, 25 August, 2015

I recently had come across this article, Running a MEAN web application in Docker containers on AWS. I'm researching containers for development work that can start in one place and then migrate into production as a docker file. So I spent an hour getting this up and running. In addition to the steps in the article, I found a few extra steps might make things work better.

1. Update Node. The maccam912 VM has an older version of node. It's an easy fix.

npm cache clean -f

npm install -g n

n stable

2. Install Ruby. Again the VM, needs to have ruby and the sass gem installed or grunt won't start properly.

apt-get install ruby

gem install sass

3. Learn the basic docker commands to start, stop and attach to the containers.

// list containers

docker ps -a 

// start / stop container

docker start 2c0fd581d265

// attach to a running container. Hit return to get the shell prompt.

docker attach 2c0fd581d265
