
By peterm, 6 March, 2015

Before I forget too much of 2014, I thought I'd write down some of the cool travel we did last year.

We started with a trip to Miami and Key West in late December through early January. We hung out at the Fontainbleu and the Southernmost House. Warm, good food, lots of exercise.

In late March through early April, we went to London for 10 days. Lnda's had a Courseara conference. I walked around the city listening to Elvis Costello, The Clash, Cream, Jeff Beck and others, seeing the sights and acting as support for Lynda and Lauren Butler


By peterm, 6 March, 2015

Here's how I lost 3 hours. In using a comination of these modules with the Drupal Foundation theme. I wanted a small search button aligned right in the right sidebar. See

  • search api
  • search api autocomplete
  • search api live results
  • Foundation 4 theme


function zurb_maps_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {

  // Sexy submit buttons


By peterm, 9 February, 2015

One thing that has been frustrating me in learning the MEAN stack has been how to extend the basic Article example (or a CRUD created module) beyond the basic data model. While you're trying to learn AngularJS and Mongoose/MongoDB interactions, you can find lots of literature on modelling, but little on how to modify your core CRUD views, model and controllers to work together. I'm sure that there may/are better and more elegant ways to accomplish this.


By peterm, 27 January, 2015

Importing to Mongo via jsonArray

mongoimport -d meanjs-leaflet4-dev -c leaflets -f name,coordinates --type json --file building-addresses.json --jsonArray

// sample file

// notes - coordinates needs to be bracketed to indicate an array otherwise we get string

// created - use a yyyy-mm-dd for basic entry



      "name": "Cowell College - Apartment  2",


By peterm, 23 January, 2015

Over the past week, in between meetings, I've gotten some additional functionality added. I've been able to enter a number of Leaflet nodes (records) and then display markers on the "list" view. I've created a link in the popup that then takes us to the detail record. I've also been taking Dan Whalin's Udemy course. His site has a 50% off coupon code.

By peterm, 12 January, 2015

I've been looking at how to refactor our campus maps app from being Drupal based to sometihng that is based on a RESTful API so that data can be easily shared with other apps. Drupal has gotten us a long way, but the map stack of modules we're using has some limitations. I need to pull some custom map work stored at giving us deeper zooms and styling rules we've decided upon.

The MEAN stack offers one refactoring option. So, I spent Christmas vacation doing some reading, configuring and thinking about how the MEAN stack might work for our needs.

By peterm, 8 December, 2014

I'm still getting up to speed with SmartOS. Here are some notes I took while trying to get PostgreSQL on SmartOS to parse OpenStreetMap (osm) files. My intent is to use Mapbox Studio to do some custom styling for OSM as we develop some "single purpose" maps.

Here's the summary I wrote at LAX when I came home from MMWCON down at UCLA in September 2014.

I was ultimately successful in getting data parsed in the VM and can use Mapbox Studio to connect and style the maps. Now to find some time to finish that little project...



By peterm, 9 June, 2014

I'm starting to work with our smart data center project. I stumbled around looking for a recipie and came up with this basic list of instructions for getting a LAMP stack on a sdc:sdc:base64:13.1.0 image.

Objective - setup a lamp install, then install Drupal 7

Apache 2.4

pkgin install apache


pkgin install mysql-server, mysql-client


sudo pkgin install php54 php54-extensions-5.4.13

NOTE: the php54-extensions drops lots of extras module files into /opt/local/lib/php/20120301
