
By peterm, 6 June, 2018

There are at least two methods to get this done. Here's the method I used and below is the outline of a method I found in the book Mastering Drupal 8.

This is a simple overriding process. Get a copy of the page.html.twig from the Bootstrap parent theme folder and copy it into our subtheme/templates directory.

First, we need to create a jumbotron region. This can be accomplished by modifying the page.html.twig file with the following snippet.

Above the #Main section, we'll paste this block. Use your own image

{# Jumbotron #}

By peterm, 6 June, 2018

I wanted to create a Drupal 8 view and in one column use Custom Text to output a Bootstrap button. After much wrangling, this is what I came up with.

You should start with the Settings for the Bootstrap Table view and make sure to set the Align for the column with the Custom Text.

table settings

This is what our typical list view should look like.