Interactive Maps Goes Live

By peterm, 9 April, 2011


We did a soft launch of the new map site today. We timed it to help visiting families and the spring rush. I've written some other articles about this project if you'd like to get more info.




In the past week, I've been running a number of load tests using jmeter to get a sense of throughput and performance. I'll post those stats as I have time. I've developed a test to look at 100 concurrent users stepping over 10 pages 100 times. Our error rate is down below %0.03 so I think our hardware and software configurations appear solid. There's probably more to do on tuning at the database side, but we'll observe for a few weeks and do some tuning. 

Future phases of work will include:

  • integrating data from the "old" map site
  • refining the UI colors for data overlays
  • adding additional common searches or informational pages
  • mobile theming
  • mobile interaction
